Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bad Parking Job? Or just Ignorant?

Submitted for your approval:

I had to meet someone at Dairy Queen in Coppell today.  As I pull into the parking spot, I notice that a small truck with a trailer has pulled into a regular parking spot with the trailer sticking out into the lot.

Just doesn't care?

Look at the picture, and you be the judge.  Can't believe someone would do that on purpose, but you know how some people are.

Posted via email from Explosive Amnesia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did that once at IGA. I had just delivered the lawnmower to the repair shop and ran into IGA for a sec. Didnt notice that the stupid trailor was attached until i came out of the store. It was interesting because i can't back up with the thing attached. These people just plain forgot it was attached. Cut em some slack.